Galaxy Gaming
Slogan: Von Zauberstab bis Laser-Gun, bei uns kommt einfach alles dran!
إستخدم التحديث فقط في حالة تغير معلوماتك في التيم سبيك مثل : اسمك
يعمل فقط عند تواجدك بالتيم سبيك
أنت غير متصل بالتيم سبيك
الرجاء الإتصال بالتيم سبيك و الضغط على زر التحديث لعرض معلوماتك
تحتوي هذا الصفحة على مختصر لحالتك الخاصة ومجموع وقت تواجدك على السيرفر
The informations are collected since the beginning of the Ranksystem, they are not since the beginning of the TeamSpeak server.
This page receives its values out of a database. So the values might be delayed a bit.
The amount of online time for all user per week and per month will be only calculated every 15 minutes. All other values should be nearly live (at maximum delayed for a few seconds).
About the search field you can search for pattern in clientname, unique Client-ID and Client-database-ID.
You can also use a view filter options (see below). Enter the filter also inside the search field.
Combination of filter and search pattern are possible. Enter first the filter(s) followed without any sign your search pattern.
Also it is possible to combine multiple filters. Enter this consecutively inside the search field.
Show only clients, which are excepted (client, servergroup or channel exception).
Show only clients, which are not excepted.
Show only clients, which are online.
Show only clients, which are not online.
Show only clients, which are in defined group. Represent the actuel rank/level.
Replace GROUPID with the wished servergroup ID.
Show only clients, which are from defined country.
Replace TS3-COUNTRY-CODE with the wished country.
For list of codes google for ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Show only clients, which are selected by lastseen.
Replace OPERATOR with '<' or '>' or '=' or '!='.
And replace TIME with a timestamp or date with format 'Y-m-d H-i' (example: 2016-06-18 20-25).
Full example: filter:lastseen:<:2016-06-18 20-25: